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An application that allows you to choose which SMS message to send when the user is driving

We will now add to the app the option for the user to choose what message to send while driving.

Application design

When the app is ready it should look like this:

We will replace  The text box (Label) we used earlier to display the message that will be sent and in its place we will add  Box  For writing text (TextBox). In the box the user will be able to type the message he wants to be sent.  We will change its name to NewResponseTextbox. We will set the text in it to be sample text for the message.

Application programming

We'll go to the Blocks screen, there  We will only restore the previous blocks that went wrong because we replaced the text in a text box.

We want that when the user changes the custom message in NewResponseTextbox and clicks on SubmitResponseButton the new message will be saved in the phone's Database.

When you finish editing the code screen it should look like this:

Well done,  You have finished building an application that sends SMS while driving according to the text that the user defines!

If you have some time left in the class, move on to the next bonus stage .

If the lesson is nearing completion,  Click here to go to instructions for saving the phone app .

Once you have saved the application, you can check that it works by activating it on one device, and sending an SMS to the same device from another device.

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